Yesterday Jack and I met with Fr. Ghezzi at St. Ann's church. He was really cool and they had our date available so it's a done deal. Because I am not catholic and Jack is.. having the wedding in a catholic church involves so much paperwork and verification. It is worse than doing taxes or applying for a loan!!! The good news is that Father John will be doing our entire wedding reception. At first Jack and I were a little shy about asking Fr. Ghezzi if he could do it.. because he was really nice and we didn't want to offend him. But as soon as we asked he said " sure he can take the whole wedding if he wants!" so that worked out great. So far the ceremony will start at 1pm and the rehearsal dinner will be the day before at 6pm. okay gotta go. will post more soon. here is a nice picture of St. Ann's

I am so excited for you. The church is beautiful! Love you guys. Ps. I got married there too!
Hi Jack, I was showing my mom and sister your blog and I wanted to show them the pics from my wedding? WHERE ARE THEY? what im not good enough to be on your blog anymore. We should have a special blog because on August 5th we will be married for one year. Just thought I would let you know. Love ya.
Alana (your unhappy pretend wife)
Ps: I was voting for Fortunoffs and they wouldnt let me vote more than once. What is up with that nonsense?????? We need to discuss!!
Love ya:
annoyed voter
Hi Jack & Tiffany,
I really enjoyed your blog for a while, until we were unfortunatly blogged out of the place for voting/
What's up with this site?????
When we want to vote, we should be able to!!!! And.....where are Alana's wedding pictures anyway?
Congratulations and looking forward to your wedding.
Lena Meggiolaro
JACKAPOO, you should feel special that we are leaving you so many comments to dwell on and read at your leisure. Love ya: and yes I dont have a life that is why I am leaving you a million comments.
Hi jack and tiffany
congratulations! Alright...lets get down to business:
where are Alana's pictures?
What's with the voting process?
WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO VOTE ALL DAY! 24 hours of voting...and now, our votes DON'T COUNT?! geez...I tellya.
I guess we'll be seeing you come june, walkin down the aisle. Anyways congrats again!
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