Daisypath Ticker

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More Bridesmaid Dresses

Hello Everyone!

I'm posting for Tiffany today. She & Jack are in Boston ... in the snow. A snowy Boston doesn't sound like much fun. Here's what she wrote:

Hello All,

Right now Jack and I are in Boston for my physical
therapy convention. Right now it is snowing and
crappy out so I am in the lounge of the hotel looking
up bridesmaid dresses. I found a cool website and some
nice dresses. let me know which ones you ladies like.
also Robin feel free to post these on the blog with
the other bridesmaid dresses for me. thanks
The first dress is my favorite!!! Picture it in
periwinkle or a light blue!!!

love yall

I am dutifully posting pictures of the dress for her. Enjoy!






Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Robin for posting those dresses. Jack and I are back from Boston and the poor kid is shoveling tons of snow and ice so my car can fit in the driveway while I am here posting things on th eblog. Isn't he the best?!!!!!! I found out that those dresses that everyone likes ( the jasmine collection) is at Bridals By Sandra and Head to To in Dunmore PA so lets set a date for easter saturday to go bridesmaid dress shopping since I know you will be in town!!! YEAH!!! okay love yall

Ryan and Amanda said...

I love the first dress! I'm just putting my vote in early :)

Anonymous said...

I really like the third dress and the first dress. Both very HOT!
